JAME Properties

Where Land Ownership and Family Values Come Together!

74Land sold
1821Years in business
About JAME Properties
Hello, and thanks for your interest in JAME Properties. I am a mechanical engineer by trade and have been investing in real estate since I purchased my first home in 2013. When I realized there was an opportunity in our great country to own affordable land I was intrigued and went all in. I started JAME Properties as a land investing company who specializes in purchasing and selling vacant land at affordable prices. Vacant land can be used to live on, for recreational purchases, or to invest and create wealth for the future! We truly believe that Real Estate is a great asset and we have a goal to make land ownership available and affordable for anyone! We do our best to provide a simple and quick process to make it easy on our clients! We at JAME Properties are a small family owned business and we believe in core family values that include honesty, integrity and trust. We will stand by you through the entire process to make sure you are happy with your purchase. We love being able to provide the opportunity for our clients to own land and to share in their happiness which is why we offer our 90-day Peace-Of-Mind Guarantee!
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Company Agent
Jacob Cornman
Jacob Cornman (Jake) is the owner and operator of JAME Properties. Jake is a Mechanical Engineer by trade and has a wonderful wife and 5 children. He loves the idea of owning land and started JAME Properties to share this opportunity with others. Jake is also an avid outdoorsman and sports enthusiast. He loves playing with his kids in the backyard and taking his older boys fishing and camping. Faith, family and the future are all important for Jake as he strives to raise his children with honesty and integrity in everything they do. Please reach out to Jake and let him know how he can assist in your Land Ownership Dreams!
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